It was a fine Friday (I woke up late :p), and I was relaxing, when I realised I had to go to APIIT because I had forgotten to return Jiz’s wallet (she put it in my bag the day before). So I thought, maybe I can go later as they might start the decoration for Dance2nizta. Jiz also had asked me to bring my copy of “The Star” (I realised later that it was because SARC’s articles had been published in the “R.AGE Campus” section). So I went. To my disappointment, not much had been started on the decoration, and I was just sitting around not knowing what to do for some time. Finally, late evening, they started. Vivian, Pauline and I helped out Mihika with the Body Art (temporary tattoo) booth; cutting out letters, drawing and colouring tattoo designs with glitter. Along the way, I painted Ryan’s face as well. I must say it turned out pretty nice (although some said it was “gay”. Oh well).
After pasting the letterings and tattoo designs, I felt that the board was still a little bare, so I suggested that we add a lady’s silhouette to fill the space, and that we could paste some of the designs on the body. This was what we came up with. (I must say that I was so proud of it!)
Later, we went to check out what they had done to the cafeteria area. Wow! They had installed UV lights! Anything white were all glowing! Then, we called it a night (some still continued with the preparations – it was three, and I had enough)
The Big Day
I woke up late (again), and relaxed. I was watching a hindi movie when I realised that I was late! Pauline and I were supposed to be there at 4pm, but we ended up being there at 5.30pm LOL! So, me and Pauline started up the booth. I guess that because many were heading to Euphoria (they gave away free tickets), many did the temporary tattoos. Because I was also manning the booth (until the show started, anyway), sweet Pauline did tattoos for me for free!
The performances were pretty cool! They had a different layout was also interesting; with the stage set high; in front of the lift – rather than the usual layout during other APIIT events.
The hosts (Edmund, Mike, Leka and Darsh) had a Halloween theme, all of them sporting ghastly make-up (Edmund’s was the best; as Two-Face)! here are more pics..
The Lounge
The best transformation was the cafeteria. It was an alcohol- and smoke-free dance floor!!!! There was free flow of 7-up Revive, and free flow of house music! There was a break in between the show. Me and my friends went to The Lounge first, and then to check out the online dance competition (which wasn’t interesting – to me, anyway…)
After the competition ended at 10pm, the dance floors were open again. I was too shy to dance (even my mom told me to dance through sms - “u r young, n it’s safe, so y shy?” LOL! One of my friends even labelled me as “toilet dancer”. Well, I do dance out of the toilet, but only with my family around… and sometimes, certain friends). My friends tried so hard to convince me to dance, and I refused to budge! Finally, as the crowd got less and less, I relented. Still, I had more fun with family than here. Because of the “shyness” clouding above me? I don’t know.
The night was indeed a good one, and I enjoyed myself. Not bad at all for a mere RM15! And, I got CDs with my goody bags! ;)