Sunday, 2 March 2008

Do I Act According To My Gender? Well, Does It Matter?

I really can't stomach the fact that almost every human has a typical idea about how a lady should act(many are also vocal about it). Please read the first sentence again if you had only males in your head. Yes, even females have this idea about how a lady should behave.

Come on! It is the 21st century! Gays and lesbians are getting married no more in secrecy(more and more people accept homosexuality), so why a heterosexual lady who, uh, "has an edge" becomes a scum?

Well, on the other end of the spectrum, it seems less "harsh". The remarks of "be a man" to, uh, "sissy" guys are limited to fathers. And perhaps high school bullies.

But for ladies, it seems that almost everyone- ladies, lads, aunts, uncles, etc give a disapproving look or remark if a lady so much so raises their voice a fraction of a decibel louder, or behave a teeny bit rougher, or sit in an "inappropriate" manner.

By now, you would have guessed that I am one of those ladies. I believe that behaving in accordance to unwritten laws is a GREAT barrier to personal development and self-satisfaction. When I am not in a skirt or extremely baggy shorts, i sit in whichever way makes me comfortable. Even in school(I was in an all-girl school for the past 11 years of my life sans last year), I was one of the loud ones. So what if i like to play Counter Strike? So what if I laugh a little louder? So what if I call a friend from across the room? So what if I hold a fighter's pose(referred to as "guarding stance" on Taekwon-Do) in public? (uh, maybe not in PUBLIC public, just familiar public... you know, the "public" in which the majority knows me well)

If I refrain myself from all these, I would not be me. A fake, if you please. I would also be frustrated with life. Take this equation:
Refrained= Not 100% myself= Not 100% happy

I am very happy being the way I am, and i will change for no one but myself.

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